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Linking physical and social regeneration benefits 

Proposals for ensuring jobs go to local people: Prioritise local businesses proposals that promise to hire local people. Most of the businesses that we will provide will have entry level requirements so a lot of the jobs in Millennium Mills will go to local people.

Water sports activities/ festival that will bring all the sides of the river together, have a food court on the green space every weekend that will bring the people together, and grow food on the green space to provide multiple uses and give back to the community (this food will be served in the café outside Millennium Mills)

Training and skills upgrading. Consultations, between the developers and the people to help them to fully optimise the space. People will be trained in the retail sectors of the development . This will improve their quality of life    
Providing social and other facilities. Community centre on bottom floor of Millennium mills and the café and green space could be used socially.

Opening up spaces for a range of uses and users. Opening up the waterfront and having multiple uses for Millennium mills including a community centre, job centre and residential.  


Setting aside a part of the area for community use/ownership. The dock, Silo D will become a hospital, this will help the people's health on the whole and make the area a more desirable pplace to live 

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